Weights and gym equipment

Key dates for gyms and fitness centres in 2020

20 February 2020
The New Year is always a time of year when gyms can expect to find more customers. People want to shift some of the Christmas weight and use the New Year as an opportunity to get fitter.
If you found January to be a disappointing month, or just want to find more customers, why not check out other opportunities throughout the year to bring more members into your gym. Use these dates below to host an open day event, where potential customers can come and try your gym out. You can also use these dates as an opportunity to offer discounts on subscriptions to encourage people to take up memberships.

World Health Day

In 1948, the World Health Organization was set up on 7th April, and since then, World Health Day has been observed on this day.

World Health Day is a fantastic opportunity to inform potential customers about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, including how exercise is important for health. If you have the facilities, you could also offer advice about nutrition to encourage your audience to eat better.

Mental Health Awareness Month

There have been strong links between exercise and good mental health, so during the month of May, encourage people to come and give your gym a try.

Every year, the Mental Health Foundation chooses a topic for Mental Health Awareness Month. In 2019, the topic was ‘stress’, whereas in 2020, it will be sleep. Even though the Mental Health Foundation aren’t necessarily focussing on exercise, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use the positive effects of exercise on mental health as a selling point to potential customers.

National Fitness Day

National Fitness Day usually falls on the final Wednesday of September. Last year it was on the 25th September, and is expected to be on the 30th September in 2020.

National Fitness Day is a day dedicated to bringing awareness to the fun aspects of exercise. Big names in the sporting world such as fitness instructor Mr Motivator, swimmer Adam Peaty and boxer Tyson Fury have all taken part in the past to show their support for fitness.

Olympic Games

In 2020, Tokyo will be hosting one of the world’s biggest sporting events; The Olympic Games. Sporting events tend to lead to more participation from the general public. English netball saw a 77% increase in engagement in the sport following the Commonwealth Games in 2019, whilst rugby in the UK saw an increase of 30,000 new players and 190 new teams following the 2015 World Cup hosted by England and Wales.  

Use the Olympic Games as an opportunity to talk to potential customers about sport, health and fitness to get them excited about signing up for a membership.

Helping your customers reach their fitness goals and adopt a healthier lifestyle is a rewarding job to do, but gym equipment and heavy machinery can present risks to both you and your customers. Should the worst happen at your gym, you want to be protected against risks that could leave you financially exposed.

At Premierline, we are specialists in arranging the protection that gyms need to be able to offer a great service to their customers. Our insurance brokers will gather information about your business, and work with some of the UK’s most well-known insurance providers to find the best cover to protect your business at a competitive price. Get in touch today to speak with one our insurance professionals.

It is important to make sure that you have the right insurance in place to protect the business that you have built. Every business is different and has its own business insurance needs, which is why we work with some of the UK’s most well-known insurers to ensure that you are getting the right insurance cover for your business.
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